State of the Arts Arizona
Local arts and culture groups entertain us, connect our communities, and help attract new businesses and residents to Arizona. Nonprofit arts organizations were in a precarious situation before the virus altered our world. Now, they are adapting to new methods of providing services while trying to remain relevant. State of the Arts Arizona focuses on how arts nonprofits are connecting with us no matter what the circumstances. This podcast series is supported by Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.
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Episode 10: Art and the Future, To Space and Beyond

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The arts play an essential role in shaping the future of both individual people and humankind as a whole. Using Maslow’s pyramid of needs as a guide, this episode shows how art can help people make social connections, gain self-confidence, and ultimately self-actualization. Art therapy, for example, is a powerful tool for undoing the lasting effects of trauma on abused or neglected children. We hear from art therapy’s experts, mentors, and participants, as well as a former NASA astronaut and current leader of ASU’s initiative to imagine humanity’s future on other planets. All of them explain how art can give us the skills, confidence, and inspiration to imagine a better future and make it a reality.