State of the Arts Arizona
Local arts and culture groups entertain us, connect our communities, and help attract new businesses and residents to Arizona. Nonprofit arts organizations were in a precarious situation before the virus altered our world. Now, they are adapting to new methods of providing services while trying to remain relevant. State of the Arts Arizona focuses on how arts nonprofits are connecting with us no matter what the circumstances. This podcast series is supported by Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.
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Episode 4: A Year Without Live Performance

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The pandemic has almost completely deprived us of going in-person to concerts and plays. What is still unclear is how available they will be to us once the threat of the virus subsides. Smaller theaters like the Brelby Theatre Company in Glendale and The Rogue Theatre in Tucson are scratching and clawing to survive, but even more established arts organizations, like the Arizona Theatre Company and The Phoenix Symphony, are struggling.
We hear from researchers, actors, playwrights, and theater owners about the invaluable role that performing arts play in our lives and society—and how they can promote unity at a time when our country becomes increasingly divided.
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