State of the Arts Arizona

Local arts and culture groups entertain us, connect our communities, and help attract new businesses and residents to Arizona. Nonprofit arts organizations were in a precarious situation before the virus altered our world. Now, they are adapting to new methods of providing services while trying to remain relevant. State of the Arts Arizona focuses on how arts nonprofits are connecting with us no matter what the circumstances. This podcast series is supported by Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.

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Episode 7: Investing in Art

Nazafarin Lotfi
Nazafarin Lotfi
Anthony J. Wallace

Arizona ranks near the bottom of the country in state funding for the arts. So here, artists and arts organizations rely heavily on the generosity of donors big and small—and that generosity pays off in a myriad of ways. We hear from a number of art organization leaders about how they’re working to make a community that’s full of inspiration, character, and growth. We’ll also hear about their dreams for  the future and what they could do if we continue to support them. 

Anthony J. Wallace