State of the Arts Arizona
Local arts and culture groups entertain us, connect our communities, and help attract new businesses and residents to Arizona. Nonprofit arts organizations were in a precarious situation before the virus altered our world. Now, they are adapting to new methods of providing services while trying to remain relevant. State of the Arts Arizona focuses on how arts nonprofits are connecting with us no matter what the circumstances. This podcast series is supported by Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.
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Episode 9: Hidden History, A Better Future

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We look to the past to understand the present and plan for the future. However, for centuries, history has been told selectively, leaving a lot of people out. In Episode 9, learn how art can help us better understand the history of the disadvantaged. Hear from one activist working to tell the story of Black history in Arizona and a “music archaeologist” who's working to uncover the under-appreciated and forgotten work of Black musicians and composers. When we have a more complete story of the past, we just might be able to make a better future.