UnAffordable and UnSheltered

Are homelessness, and affordable housing in Arizona connected? Housing in the Phoenix area has become hard to afford. However, it's often the institutional barriers that keep people homeless. UnSheltered and UnAffordable podcasts explore the obstacles that can make surviving and thriving in the Valley a challenge.

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UnAffordable: The American Dream

Katie Gentry, Maricopa Association of Governments
Katie Gentry, Maricopa Association of Governments
Madison Mulvihill

Does the "American Dream" still exist in Arizona? Years ago, it was possible to live an affordable life as a single or with just one hard-working breadwinner in the family.  Now, most middle class families need two sources of income — and even dual-income families are having a difficult time finding a suitable home amidst the housing shortage and increase in home prices. 

Madison Mulvihill